Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Wheat Germ List

Question: What is one of the healthiest foods in the world, inexpensive, tasty, and extremely versatile and easy to use?
Answer: Wheat Germ!!

So what is wheat germ? The wheat kernel can be separated into three distinct parts: the endosperm, the bran, and the germ. The endosperm makes up about 80% of the kernel; it is the foodsource for the plant. The bran is the outer layered shell of the kernel. The germ is the smallest only about 3% of the kernel and is the part of the seed that could sprout into a new plant. (FYI: whole wheat flour incorporates all three parts of the kernel, white flour uses only the endosperm). This tiny food packs a huge punch containing a whopping 23 nutrients; most notably folic acid, potassium, and iron. It is also a good source of B vitamins, protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. It contains an immune system boosting antioxidant called L-ergothioneine, which is not destroyed by cooking. It looks like small, tan colored flakes and has a very mild nutty flavor. It can be purchased raw or toasted, but since raw wheat germ spoils very quickly, it's a good idea to be the toasted stuff. It can be found in any grocery store, usually in the cereal aisle for about $4. Keep it refrigerated to avoid spoilage.

Now you're convinced that it's amazing... so, how do you use it? Easy! Wheat germ has such a mild flavor and texture that it can be added to almost anything! Here's the list...

1. Sprinkled on hot or cold cereal
2. In pancake or waffle mix
3. In or on top of muffins
3. In place of or combined with bread crumbs
4. Sprinkled on top of casseroles as a crunchy topping (ex: mac and cheese)
5. Sprinkled on yogurt
6. In smoothies
7. In soups or stews
8. As a salad topping
9. In crumbles on top of desserts (ex:apple crisp) 
10. Toss tofu or bananas in it as a snack for babies (or grown-ups!)
11. Use it to line brownie or bread pans instead of flour.
12. Sprinkled on cottage cheese
13. In oatmeal or chocolate chip cookies
14. On ice cream
15. In peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
16. In homemade granola
17. In place of flour in homemade bread (check online for exact substitutions)

etc... etc... etc...

This is something that you can really be creative with and use all the time. There are so many health benefits in adding wheat germ to your diet, you'd be crazy not to! 

Bottom Line: Buy it and use it! You're going to love it!


  1. I'm glad you posted this. I've had a box in my fridge for awhile that I didn't know what to do with.
    Question: I've only ever tried it in smoothies, but can't stand the smell while my nose is in the cup drinking it. Does the smell go away when you use it for baking?

  2. Alisia- I would check to see if yours went bad? I have never noticed a smell before. It is really very mild in smell, flavor, and texture. Do you have toasted or raw wheat germ?

  3. Joshua is allergic to wheat, so no wheat germ for that little guy. I've found ground flaxseed to be a fantastic alternative; it's just as versatile and is full of good stuff. Great post!
